Bold Interior Design Ideas, Denver Interior Designer, Jeane Dole - A la Carte Design
What is your favorite color? Do you dare to use it boldly in your home décor? Most of my clients can tell me immediately what their favorite color is. But, few are using it in their homes. They wear it. They may even drive it. But they often don’t live in it. That is...
Bold Interior Design Ideas, Denver Interior Designer, Why Use an Interior Designer
These days, many a la carte DESIGN clients are downsizing to smaller homes or condos. They want a home that is easier to maintain. But, they don’t want to give up the luxurious surroundings that their previous homes provided. It can take greater skill and creativity...
Denver Interior Designer, Interior Design Process
Great interior design is a process that a la carte DESIGN has perfected over many years. It begins with decision-making, and sometimes that is the most difficult step for clients. We can help. Our initial meetings with clients typically focus on three types of...
Denver Interior Designer, Increase Home Value with Interior Designer, Why Use an Interior Designer
Everyone wants a beautiful home with the kind of updates that make it both stylish and comfortable. But real estate—even a home—is an investment. It is important to put your money into home improvements that will pay off at sale. One of the biggest mistakes that...
Denver Interior Designer, Interior Design Tips, Jeane Dole - A la Carte Design, Living Room Designs, Traditional Living Room, Why Use an Interior Designer
I love using bold patterns and texture in my work. And, I know that putting together texture and patterns in a way that pleases the eye and the soul is what makes the rooms I design look like the work of a professional. Let’s face it. Many homeowners don’t understand...
Denver Interior Designer, Making Interior Design Personal
A home theater or room intended for family recreation is a great space to integrate the owner’s hobbies and interests into the room design. There are many ways to do this. Collections of coins, art, movie posters, and other collectibles can be creatively displayed on...